Specialist Services
For private or government organisations wishing to purchase in-house workshops and training courses please use the ‘Contact Us’ page to submit an enquiry.
For families and NDIS Participants, there are three categories of service provision offered by ACT for Autism.
A large range of bespoke services are offered to individuals using a holistic and strength-based approach, working in partnership with all stakeholders to develop specialist supports so each child may thrive.
1) Advocacy
NDIS Plan Review meetings
Education / School support needs
Preparing for submitting an NDIS Review of a Reviewable Decision (Internal Review)
Preparing for appealing a decision via the Australian Administrative Tribunal (External Review)
2) Consultancy
Functional Capacity Assessment reports
Developmental Behavioural Assessments
Positive Behaviour Support
In-school support with planning, teaching, assessment, Documented Plan review
Therapy Program and Goal Review
3) Training
Training for families, support workers, schools, allied health professionals and community groups developed to meet the needs of the children they are supporting.
Ongoing coaching and training of therapy assistants and support workers
Hands on in-the-classroom support and training for teachers and Education Assistants
Using Visual Supports
Improving Functional Communication
Practical Strategies to Develop Social Inclusion
How Autism Impacts Individuals all around the Spectrum
Behaviour Science and Ethical Applied Behaviour Analysis from an Autistic Perspective
Understanding Autistic Brains: Distinguishing Speech, Communication and Language
How to Improve Learning by Understanding Sensory Differences
Hidden Autistic Presentations: Girls, Pathological Demand Avoidance, Gifted and Talented students
Reducing Disability with Autism-specific Therapy and Education Goals
Research Developments in the Autism Community
Accountability: Effective Prioritising of goals for the family and the individual
Public workshops are held throughout the year and tickets can be purchased by clicking on the ‘Workshops’ icon at the top right hand side of your screen.
These three categories have been selected so that individuals and their families may access as much or as little of a ‘wrap-around-service’ through their NDIS plan as is appropriate for their current needs and goals.
ACT for Autism supports NDIS participants who have a plan-managed or self-managed plan.